Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Third times the charm???

Well, another failed cycle... I feel like crap, I hate this whole process.  I'm mad at myself for my body not cooperating, I'm mad at my husband for choices he made before he ever met me, I'm just mad.  I know it's not tied to any kind of logic but dammit I'm mad.
I've got a call out to my doctor's office to start another round of meds and schedule our third IUI cycle.  I've asked them to get a little more aggressive with the meds this time since two follicles isn't getting the job done.  I don't want to be octomom but I do want to give us the best chance possible for the this next IUI to be the one that gives us our baby.  I've been reading a lot of about this process and everything I find says 3-4 follicles is ideal for IUI, maybe increase my meds or adding a new one will help make that happen.  I'm also concerned because the counts with our old donor were so high, the new one will be lower so we have that working against us so if I can balance more eggs against less sperm you figure it has to help (fertility logic = not always reality bound)
I guess I'm going to appreciate the one good thing about not being pregnant and go make myself a martini.

edit:  got a call back from my doctor's office - they want me to come in for another consult before moving on to injectibles to make sure I know how to do it and inform me of the risks.  Right now I have an appointment for April 6th but they are going to try to get me in early, we'll see... I'm really bummed about this, I don't want to wait that long!

1 comment:

  1. so so so sorry to hear you are experiencing this. i wish you all the best in your next cycle.'s ok to be mad. infertility issues are infuriating!
