Friday, March 4, 2011

Karma Swinging My Direction... Finally!

Midway thru last cycle I decided that if it didn't work we were moving on to injectables.  It seemed like an obvious choice for me.  I love my husband and I love our life but I want a family.  If it were up to me we'd be like the Walkers from Brothers and Sisters.  I love big families, I love that they are their own little tribe and that they may fight but don't ever let an outsider say something negative about another member of the tribe.

All of this is a build up to the research I've been doing on the internet.  It seems injectables have a higher rate of multiples than IVF.  The RE can control how many eggs they put back with IVF, they can't control how many I make with injectables.  Every office is different, most factor in your age and that determines how many they will let you develop before they cancel the cycle.  I have no idea how many that is at my doctor's office but all my reading shows me 4 follicles would be ideal.  4 follicles has the best odds of a singleton and minimizes the odds of higher order multiples.  I think twins would be a fun adventure but I also know how risky it can be.  I've had twins born in my family that unfortunately premature only because they were twins and ultimately didn't survive.  I also know how expensive twins can be.  This economy has hit my industry hard.  I'm an interior designer in a commercial architecture firm.  Companies aren't doing a lot of new construction or renovations in this economy and in response to that everyone in my office is working a 4 day week (and took the corresponding 20% paycut).  Having said all that I'd be both delighted and terrified to have twins (the whole head/heart thing).  Anything more than that would be terrifying.  I also don't want to face the 'selective reduction' choice.  That seems like such and awful choice to make.  The whole thing is really up to God and nature but I'd like to give up the best odds of having one, maybe two babies and try to reduce the risk of anything more than that.  Everything I've read says 4 follicles would be the ideal setup for that.

So - why am I doing all this research and obsessing if I have a whole month to figure this out?  Because they found me an earlier appointment - NEXT TUESDAY!!! Woo Hoo! I haven't told DH any of this yet, he's not home yet.  I'm making his favorite meal (goat cheese stuffed chicken with cornmeal casserole and fresh bread).  I figure I'll make him all happy with food, scare him with my multiples research, then get him excited with the new appointment.

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