Monday, March 21, 2011

Round Three

Well here we go, since my body decided to shake things up a bit we're back and are getting ready to try again.  I'm officially on cycle day three today.  I had intended on calling my doctor's office today to tell them about AF's early appearance but they called me before I even had a chance.  It turns out I have to lower the meds I'm on for my hypothyroidism (I originally started on something like 45mcg, I've slowly worked my way up to 150mcg, they are now lowering it to 125 mcg now).  I explained to my RE's nurse that my cycle started unexpectedly and super early and she didn't seem too concerned about it.  She asked some questions about if it's behaving like it normally does but in the end just chalked it up to oddness.

So for now our schedule is this:
5mg Femara starting today (CD3) thru Friday (CD7)
75IU Follistim Wednesday & Friday
Ultrasound and blood work Sunday morning.
They will call Sunday afternoon and tell us what to do from there.

I also emailed our new sperm bank yesterday to confirm all our paperwork was in order and ask them to give me a total, with shipping for one vial of our new donor.  What worries me is I haven't heard back yet, we had this problem with our last bank, taking forever to get back to us, sometimes not responding at all.  I really hope this was just a fluke.

Our RE seems really hopeful about this cycle.  Apparently statistically our odds are greatest at the third IUI and the addition of injectables only made her more confident.  Here's hoping (and praying) she's right!

In the mean time, I'm gonna curl up with the new Marie Claire and try to think about things like fabulous shoes and must have purses instead of med doses and sperm orders.

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