Sunday, March 27, 2011

This roller coaster ain't for sissies

DH and I were excited to go in for an ultrasound today.  We got up and joined a small army of women who were also spending their Sunday morning at the RE's office instead of church.  We found out there are 3 measurable follicles.  Two on the left at 22 & 25 and one on the left at 17.   The nurse told me she'd call in a few hours with instructions after the blood work came in and she talked with the doctor.
When she called back she told me my estrogen was only 126 (it should be approximately 200 per follicle, mine should have been around 600).  She spoke with a doctor (not mine - she kept saying 'he said' and my doc is a woman) and that he thought two of them were cysts leftover from last time since they were the same size.  He wanted me to do another 75IU of Follistim tonight and come back in tomorrow morning for another blood draw and we'll go from there.  I'm scheduled for an IUI Tuesday morning at 10:30.  I asked if I should bring in the trigger and she said no.  I have concerns that if they don't call by 10:30 Monday with my lab results and instructions the trigger won't have enough time to work and the IUI will be too early but she said it would be fine.
I've been all over the internet today and it seems Femara lowers your estrogen.  This makes sense because it's used as an estrogen suppressant for breast cancer.  I can't expect my estrogen to be at the same level as someone on other meds.  I also remembered that the follies I had at the last ultrasound were on different sides and they are saying they think cyst because two are the same size as last time.  Plus I don't think they realized that I sat out a cycle since my last ultrasound.
So it's critical tomorrow that my estrogen is higher.  The number is 'masked' by Femara but seeing a rise is critical.  In the mean time I'm telling myself that we have a couple healthy follies in there and that this is our month for success.

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