Saturday, April 23, 2011

1 in 8,900,000

We're back in the two week wait.  I'm not too confident about this cycle because our donor's counts were super low, 8.9 million (our last donor was had 60+ million, a lot of fresh counts are 100+ million).  This, combined with the low estrogen has this little voice in my head that says (don't get too excited, there's a lot going against you).  I know it only takes one but I don't need the hope crushing that comes with getting all excited and getting another bfn.
Manhattan Cryobank guarantees a count of 20 million so I'm going to call on Monday and find out what the process is for getting a refund.  If this cycle doesn't work I'm out a lot more than the cost of the vial/shipping but something tells me they aren't going to refund that. (I've also spent $250 on an ultrasound, $70 on bloodwork, $195 on the IUI and $203on the sperm prep on this cycle, but who's counting)
I think getting a new vial from the sperm bank may be enough reason for hubby to give this one more shot but it all depends on what they tell me when I call.  The nurse that did our IUI said they get counts like this all the time from sperm banks and that it absolutely can end in a bfp  so it's not like I've given up all together I'm just going to use all this as an excuse to not obsess about it for the next two weeks.
My parents will be here the weekend we find out if it worked so if it didn't that will be a good distration, in the mean time I've got one salad and one pie ready for my nieces easter feast tomorrow, got one pie left to go but every grocery store in the city seems to be out of key lime juice.

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