Friday, February 4, 2011

Fertility Pergatory

14 days since our IUI and still nothing.  All tests negative, no period. I usually would have had a period by now so that gives me a little hope but just a little, a pregnancy should show up on a test by now.  This is my first cycle taking Femara so I'm wondering if it is lengthening my cycle.  So, now I'm just waiting for my period to show up so we can move on to try #2.  I don't mean to completely give up hope and I'd love to be able to log on tomorrow and tell you I was wrong but I'm preparing myself.  I had a nice little cry with a girlfriend last night and I'm trying to get myself excited about conceiving on Valentine's day and delivering on 11/11/11 (both of which are possible with the next IUI)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your "limbo". It really does suck because you're hanging onto false hope (at least, I did...) I do see some reports on forums about Femara possibly lengthening the LP. But I've already experienced that due to whatever (Clomid? Progesterone? Alien abduction??) so I guess it won't be much different for me to switch over and have that happen. Hope you get some answers soon. *hug*
