Friday, June 10, 2011

Picking a Donor

I've been all over the Internet lately trying to decide what bank we are going to use next cycle.  I have some time because I think it's going to be late July before we try again.  I've looked at around 15 banks with prices ranging from $250 to $590 for a single vial of IUI ready sperm.  The other variable is shipping fees, those ranged from $90 to $210.  Some banks even charge a registration fee, which I think is ridiculous.  You want me to pay you to let you sell me something?  I don't think so.
For any of you looking for some comparisons on US sperm banks and how many black donors they have see the following list:

Midwest Sperm Banks $350/vial; $90 shipping - one biracial donor
Pacific Reproduction $565/vial; $210 shipping; $150 registration fee - 2 black donors
Cryos International $250/vial (5-10 mill count); $175 shipping - 1 black donor
New England Cryogenic Center $545/vial; $160 shipping - 3 black donors
Cryolab $260/vial (value donor) $395/vial (standard donor); $170 shipping - no black donors
Cryogam $335/vial; $95 shipping - no black donors
European Sperm Bank $590/vial; $150 shipping - 1 black donor
Xytex $365/vial (select donor) $530/vial (standard donor); $165 shipping - 2 black donors
California Cryobank $585/vial (premium donor); $185 shipping - 8 black donors
The Sperm Bank of California $485/vial; $200 shipping; $100 registration fee - 2 black donors
International Cryogenics $390/vial; $125-$165 shipping - 2 black donors
Genome Resources $420/vial; $145 shipping - 2 black donors
Northwest Cryobank $249/vial; $169 shipping (to my area) - no black donors
Fairfax Cryobank $400/vial (family solutions donor) $555/vial (Fairfax/Fairfax grad donor); $175 shipping - 3 black donors

I've left Manhattan Cryobank off this list because they aren't a viable option to me and I'd advise you stay away from them as well (read old posts).  I hesitated to add Midwest after the mess they created for so many women while closed for reorganization but their counts are incredible and their costs are reasonable so you'll have to decide for yourself.

Also, some banks charge for things like long profiles, photo matching, rush delivery, childhood photos... There were too many variables for me to keep track of but most of them (except the long profiles with medical histories) seemed like a waste of money to me.  Another thing to note is that if there was an option I priced anonymous donors.  DH and I aren't interested in open-ID donors.

I still don't know what bank we are going to choose, but hopefully I've saved some of you some research time.  Of the 26 donors I've found about 8 or 10 of them are in our price range.  There's a couple I'd consider postponing our cycle to save up for too so we have some decisions to make.  My plan is to get basic profiles on my favorites and without telling him the cost let DH pick his top two and decide from there.  We'll see how it goes.

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