Friday, January 21, 2011

Back in the 2WW

Well, we had our first IUI this morning.  Yesterday's ultrasound showed two follicles, one at 18 and one at 20.  We did the trigger shot yesterday morning and came back this morning for the IUI.  The nurse that did the procedure was blown away by the counts so we're encouraged.  Next weekend we'll start testing to see if the trigger shot has gone away (it's the same hormone as your body makes if you're pregnant and stays in your body for 6 - 12 days & can lead some women to think they're pregnant when they're not).  We should know sometime around the first of the month if we're pregnant.

Financially this has been an expensive month.  Here's a breakdown of what we've spent this cycle trying to get pregnant:
Consultation (follow up from initial eval & recommended course of treatment) $205.00
Femara (fertility med) $175
Ovidrel (trigger shot) $65
Donor Sperm & shipping $250
Ultrasound $250
IUI & Sperm Prep $278

Total that up and we've spent over $1200 this month trying to get pregnant.  We paid about $400 out of pocket and used our flex account to cover the rest.  We set aside $2500 this year for medical expenses but will need some of that to cover our deductible when we do get pregnant.  At this point we don't care, we'll make whatever payments necessary to get our baby.  We've been trying for just over two years now and before consulting a specialist had spent at least $5,000 on donor sperm and meds through my ob/gyn.  Hubby and I have a running joke comparing all our expenses to those American Express priceless ads ('drugs - $175, ultrasound - $250, baby - priceless)

Crossing everything in hopes that the next time you hear from me I'll be telling you we're pregnant!

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