I apologize in advance for any typo's, I'm hopped up on pain pills and not exactly at peak performance today but it's the first time I've felt even remotely human since Tuesday morning. The surgery is over. The worst thing about the actual procedue was the wire localization thing where they insert a little metal wire into your boob into the mass they are removing, that sucked! Theyninsert numbing medicine that burns when it goes in but didn't give me enough so when they started with the needle for the wire I could still feel it. Oh, andnall this is going on while your boob is clamped into the mammogram machine, I cried the whole way thru it. I hope I never have to go thru that again. Either I blocked out the memory of post surgery pain or it was worse this time. I've never had pain so bad it woke me up from a drug induced sleep before. DH works nights so when I woke up I didn't have anyone here to talk me down, it was pretty brutal and all I kept thinking was just breathe, it will pass. It's been twomdays now and I'm still notnwhat I'd describe as comfortable but I can atleast sneeze without crying so that's progress.
On the baby front things are looking up. Our donor will be available again starting next week. My periodmis two or three weeks out, long enough to get the pain meds out of my system, so it looks like we're gonna try again next cycle. It seems like it's been forever so we're both excited.
Sorry this is short but I'm gonna take a nap.
So glad to hear your surgery went well and that babymaking is on the horizon!!!!! :D Love that! Hope recovery goes smoothly for you. Miss you!