Friday, June 7, 2013

Familiar space in my head

There's a few specific things that have to happen to prepare my body for transfer.  It started with a baseline ultrasound to make sure I don't have any cysts.  That was Thursday, first hurdle down.  I start the shots again Saturday.  After a couple weeks I have a lining check to make sure I'm making a cozy home for our embryos.  Then we wait for transfer, then pregnancy test, then pray the baby grows.
Before I knew how bad things could go I loved being pregnant.  I'm fascinated by the fact that I can grow a human being.  I wasn't super excited about the vomiting or stretch marks but I truly enjoyed the experience.  Now I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to feel joy until we have our baby in our arms.
I'm trying to take his step by step and not think too far ahead but after everything we've been thru its not that easy.

1 comment:

  1. I suffered a miscarriage at 10 weeks in our first pregnancy. I won't does make the next pregnancy really scary in the beginning. BUT....I had to just tell myself that odds were in my favor...that there was NOTHING I could do and I just had to trust my body and my God. I came to the realization that, if I did lose the pregnancy, it would not hurt less if I didn't experience the joy of growing life. So....I just actively and purposefully was joyful. And guess what? I got my baby! And then.... 2 years later....we did embryo adoption to have a 2nd baby...and I had the same fears again...but this time accompanied by bouts of unexplained I had to go back and remind the joy, hold onto it for as long as you have will NOT change your outcome! and I did...and...I got that 2nd baby! It doesn't mean you won't be scared....but fear and joy CAN co-exist...just don't let fear stomp out your joy! I will be following your progress and praying for you.

    kd (Genoah on BBC)
