Monday, August 27, 2012

Embryo adoption???

We had an appointment with our RE to discuss what's next since this clearly isn't working.  Before going in I spent a little while on the Internet looking for options to ask about and came across something called embryo adoption.  I've done just a tiny bit of Internet research on this, enough to know it could be a plausible option for us.
After talking for a little while about why IUI didn't seem to be working our RE started talking about IVF.  I asked out my probably egg quality issue and he was pretty blunt.  My odds of IVF working were probably somewhere between 10 & 20 percent.  That really doesn't seem to be high enough to justify the expense.  I asked him about embryo adoption and he was instantly supportive of the idea.  They don't keep an embryo bank at their practice but would do everything from pre and post transplant monitoring to even doing the transfer if where we get an embryo from would ship.  He's also willing to talk to the bank/agency doing the match to review egg quality so he can approve them.  I feel like this is our next step if we keep going.
I say if we keep going because my husband didn't ask a single question while we were there.  I talked to him a little on the way out (we drove separately) and couldn't get an answer from him on his thoughts.  I don't know if he's still processing or he's trying to find a gentle way to tell me he's not feeling this option.  I guess we'll talk more tonight.
In the mean time I left work early to pray on this a little (and spend some time on the Internet).

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