Friday, March 25, 2011

Things I wish I knew two years ago

Things I wish someone had told me when we started this journey:

Doctors - Reproductive Endocrynologist (RE's)
  • You aren't going to end up saving any money going it on your own, if you're using donor sperm save yourself the stress and go right to the doctor.  A good RE will take a lot of the stress of the situation off your shoulders.
  • Write down your questions as you think of them, don't depend on remembering them when you get to the doctor's office
  • Be nice to the nurses, they are the ones who can fit you in when you need to see someone or get you donated meds which can save you hundreds
  • Do your research and trust your gut.  Your RE is a specialist but your opinion has value too.  
  • This process is hard on a marriage/partnership  remember your spouse/partner is going thru it too and try to avoid taking your stress out on them
  • Don't forget about sex, even if it won't make a baby it can still be fun!
  • It's never going to be easy to hear about a pregnant friend/family/coworker.  Steel yourself and tell them how happy you are then call someone else who's ttc to vent.  Don't feel guilty about it either, you can still be a friend and have these feelings.
  • People say some dumb shit trying to be helpful, just let it go, they really are trying to be nice and don't mean to come off like a fool.  You losing your shit isn't going to help anything.
  • The only people who truly understand this process are people who are going thru the same thing.  If you don't have anyone in real life that's going thru it get on the internet, there are all kinds of online communities with women going thru the same thing - you are not the only one going thru this!
  • Call around for pricing on meds.  I recently priced Ovidrel (the trigger shot)  Costco has is for $82 CVS wanted $192.
  • Talk to your doctor's office about getting meds women have donated back after successful cycles.  They may be able to hook you up.
  • Check out the internet, there's a program that will let you get Femara for $10 a month (it can be a couple hundred if you are paying out of pocket) and another one that will give you 3,000IU (approx. value $3,000) of Gonal F for free


  1. Check to see if your doctor will order your Ovidrel through Freedom Fertility Pharmacy...$65. Otherwise, if I don't end up using the one I have in my fridge next month, I'd be more than happy to give it to you. :)

  2. Freedom changed their policy a couple weeks ago and now adds a $30 handling fee for orders that are just Ovidrel making it $95

  3. Whoa, wtf?! Glad I got mine a couple months ago then!! Jeez! What a ripoff! Sorry. :( Either way, offer still stands if you need it. If I end up with only one mature follie next month, they won't have me trigger.
